My Artworks

When There is a Faith, God will show you way!

My latest Painting shows very in depth meaning of life and faith. This painting I have created from my personal experience. When I was in pain, I have my tears, God has been always with me to catch the tears. Because I have a “Faith” in him.

Whenever I prayed a God, He always listen my prayers.

This painting shows that, a woman is praying a GOD, and though she cannot see the almighty; HE is there to catch her tears. The light which comes from the GOD, and ending in woman’s forehead showing that GOD will guide her in her path.

Sometimes, path is hard, but that is the path which is right for us. Sometimes we are afraid to walk on that path, but GOD will push you through the edge so hard, that you have to go through the predefined path.
So here is my New Painting

Title: Faith
Medium: Mixed Media on Canvas
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